Pharmaceutical Company Jelfa S.A. in Jelenia Góra is one of the largest industrial plants in the city and region. In its over 70-year history, it has cooperated and continues to support local events related to, inter alia, health protection, social activities or simply sharing its knowledge and experience.



Cieplicki Ecological Marathon is mainly aimed at promoting an active lifestyle, and taking care of one’s own health, where in today’s „fast-paced” times it is more difficult to organize leisure time for active recreation. In such programs, promoting healthy and healthy lifestyle are close to the „heart” of our company. During the marathon under the slogan „I choose health”, participants may, among other things, take advantage of:

  • tests: sugar level, measurement of blood pressure, hearing,
  • treatments: shock wave (revolution in the treatment of pain), Vocastim (therapy for the treatment of speech disorders), eye aerosols, computer analysis of the distribution of forces and body balance, body composition and weight analysis
  • lecture; „About melanoma from A to Z” by Dr. med. Robert Malmon

2 Nationwide Exhibition of Graphic Characters
Since the late 1960s, no exhibition or publication has been made in Poland attempting to show the history of graphic characters and visual identities.
The exhibition presents cross-sectional Polish characters and visual communication systems. The exhibition will remind iconic projects from the years 1945-1969, will bring the history of Polish applied graphics to the fore, as well as allow to confront the achievements of the nestor of design with the latest works in the field of graphic design.
The exhibition has been divided into three parts.
Within one of them, signs / logotypes of the most important companies and institutions associated with the region have been presented. Among other noble companies, we found ourselves with our sign.
Photos from the exhibition:

Enchanted Christmas- edition 6
The laureates of the Festival of the Enchanted Song of the Anna Dymna Foundation „Mimo Wszystko” are people of exceptional talent and the spirit of the spirit who, despite their disability, fulfill their dreams and cultivate their passion. For the sixth time, the inhabitants of Jelenia Góra will have the opportunity to spend their free time and at the same time change into Saint Mykolaiv, as the proceeds from the charity concert will be donated to the Association of Families and Friends of Children with Down Syndrome.
Our company is very happy to get involved in such a unique project. Especially that in the previous undertakings a total of PLN 100,000 was raised. Thanks to these collections, a multimedia room and high quality sound equipment were purchased for the Jelenia Góra Association of Families and Children Friends with Down Syndrome, a world experience room for therapeutic and rehabilitation activities for the Municipal Integration Kindergarten No. 14, etc.
In addition to social activities, it is also a great artistic event. Children have the chance to sing with the great stars of the Polish music scene. The guest of this edition of the Enchanted Holiday was Golec uOrkiestra.

Jelfa S.A. Pharmaceutical Company
Jelenia Góra
ul. Wincentego Pola 21
58-500 Jelenia Góra
+48 75 64 33 100
+48 75 64 33 102
+48 75 64 33 103